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middle ground 中間立場,中立。

middle height

This algorithm adopts a middle ground between centroid - base and all - points - based approaches . instead of using a single centroid or all points to represent a cluster , a fixed number of representative points in space are chosen , these points represent and capture the geometry and shape of the cluster . in addition . the representative points of a cluster are generated by first selecting well - scattered objects for the cluster and then “ shrinking “ or moving them toward the cluster center by a specified fraction , or shrinking factor . the shrinking helps dampen the effects of outliers . therefore , cure is more robust to outliers 該算法選擇基于質心利基于代表對象方法之間的中間策略,它不用單個質心或簇中全部對象米代表一個簇,而是選擇數據空間中定數目的只有代表性的點,這些點代表和捕捉到了簇的形狀。此外,由于引入了收縮因子使代表點向簇小心“收縮”而使該算法能夠較好地消除孤立點的影響,在處理孤立點上也更加健壯。

So people in industry try to get to that magical middle ground where the product is good enough not to be rejected right away , such as during evaluation , but also not the object of so much perfectionism and so much work that it would take too long or cost too much to complete 所以,置身軟件行業的人們都要努力尋找一個難以把握的平衡點:產品要足夠好,以至它不會在諸如評估等階段就馬上被否定;同時也不追求十全十美、精雕細琢,否則會囿于時間和金錢而無法達到目的。

The three speakers include yusan lee , who will talk about how to maintain a middle ground between art and commerce ; jim chim and olivia yan will discuss about the adaptation from illustration book to stage based on the theatre play moon 7 , and their experience of bringing the theatre to the people . it will certainly be a great opportunity for artists and creative personalities to learn from these experts 開幕禮前更會舉行座談會,邀請三位講者包括李雨珊會談談如何拿捏藝術與商業的中位線;詹瑞文及甄詠蓓則會從劇場演出《月亮7個半》出發,細訴從繪本到舞臺演出的轉化,以及將劇場藝術帶入群眾的經驗,絕對是從事藝術創作的朋友偷師的好機會。

Because of characteristics of chinese economy , neither hard fixed exchange rate system ( currency board system or currency union ) nor pure floating exchange rate regime is suitable for china , as result , china will weight the middle grounds 由于中國經濟的特點,中國不可能實行完全浮動的匯率制度,也不可能實行極端的固定匯率制度(如貨幣局制度和貨幣同盟) ,中國必然選擇中間匯率制度。

Rather than risk creating a tumor or a tooth in a patient ' s brain or heart with direct es cell injections or struggling to produce specific functional tissues , many es cell researchers are now striving for a middle ground 與其冒險直接注射胚胎干細胞,而讓患者的腦或心臟長出腫瘤或牙齒,或掙扎著制造具備特殊功能的組織,許多胚胎干細胞研究者正努力開發比較中庸的做法。

Incidentally , i find this an interesting middle ground between dynamic web sites using jsp or similar technologies and purely static sites where the webmaster has to manually update every document 順便說一下,我發現這是一個有趣的、既有動態網站特點(使用jsp或類似技術)又有純靜態站點特點的中間站點,在這些站點, web管理員必須手工地更新每個文檔。

Johnson also enumerates a middle ground , for which he asks the question , “ will only a minority of callers want to handle the problem ? “ for these scenarios , he also suggests using unchecked exceptions Johnson還列舉了一個中間情形,對此他提出一個問題, “只是少數調用者希望處理問題嗎? ”對于這些情形,他也建議使用非檢查型異常。

“ there is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program that requires every illegal immigrant to leave , “ he added 布什總統說: “在允許每一個非法移民都自動成為公民和要求每一個非法移民都離開美國之間還是有一個合理的折衷點的。 ”

“ the female developmental program may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground . , “ the daily mail quoted professor bates , of edinburgh university , as saying 《每日郵報》援引愛丁堡大學貝茨教授的話說: “女性的發展可能更傾向于保障生存和尋求安全的‘中間道路’ 。 ”

So in the above example , if the peaceful loving individual integrates their unconscious persona , which is abusive and aggressive , they come to the middle ground and embody peace 因此在上面的例子里,如果和平友愛的個體整合了他們無意識中的虐待性和好斗的角色,他們來到中間立場并擁抱和平。

Then , we ll look at software solutions that straddle the middle ground , offering better security than a pseudo - random number generator , while being more practical than more secure hardware - based solutions 在本專欄中, gary與john介紹了能夠幫助您除去代碼中大多數安全性問題的10個原則。

As professional regulators with considerable experience in this area , we believe we can find that middle ground between over - and under - regulation , and get the balance right 作為經驗豐富的銀行業監管機構,我們相信金管局能夠在過度監管與監管不足之間取得平衡。

In the social hierarchy composed of government , community elites and villages , “ community elites “ occupies a middle ground between the other two elements 社區精英處于“國家? ?社區精英? ?村民”這一社會系統中,介于“官系統”與“民系統”之間。

I even thought about getting a divorce . it seemed inevitable that we would separate , since we would no longer have anything in common , no middle ground 我甚至想到離婚,在沒有任何共識無可妥協的情況下,我們的分離看來是在所難免。

In my experience , there is a large middle ground between acting like a don quixote and completely divorcing yourself from development issues 在我的經驗中, don quixote和完全地將你自己與開發事務相脫離這二者之間有很大的距離。

“ i never get so excited that i can ' t think and i never get too low , either . i ' m able to keep a middle ground on a lot of things . “我從來不會過于激動以至于不能思考,同樣也不會太過低沉。我可以對大部分事情保持平和。 ”

“ we know that weight gain is important , we just have to find a middle ground “ between too little and too much , she said 她說: “我們知道,體重增加量很重要,我們只是需要在過量和不足中尋求一個平衡點。 ”

When you play the game of thrones , you win or you die . there is no middle ground 瑟曦回答:在權力的游戲之中,你不當贏家,就只有死路一條,沒有中間地帶。

To help this happen i have chosen to take the middle ground with a deliberately conservative budget 因此,我采取了中庸之道,提出一份務實的財政預算案。